Making it a sexier world in Aruba!

I am Dina, a Sacred Sexual Awareness Coach (SSA Coach) and an Independent Sexinista with Entice Me

Have you ever thought about getting a sex coach and workshops from a Sexinista? Maybe you’re thinking, is there really such a thing?

Yes there is and my name is Geraldine Alexander, but I prefer to be called Dina.

After enjoying a successful leadership carrier I decided on an early retirement and to embark on a new mission. Now I am a Personal / Relationship and Sex Coach, as well as an independent Sexinista, and I have been transforming lives from the moment I started.


Why get a Intimacy Coach?

We consult coaches to help transform our bodies, build our businesses, become better athletes, assist us with our money. Some of us invest in relationship coaching or therapy, but … who has a coach for their sex lives?? I will tell you who … smart people!


Don’t you want to be an incredible lover?

Maybe you are a great lover. But I’ve been at this a long time and I am constantly learning new things to take my own pleasures or the pleasures of my lover to another level. Taking good to great, take being skillful to become masterful!

Sex education in Aruba and most countries around the globe is unbelievably inadequate and men and women alike are suffering throughout their (sex)lives as a result. Some silently, some cry out loud, but most of us are stumbling around in the dark not knowing nearly enough about our own sexuality and that of the people we connect with along the way.

So, Yesssss! I am contributing to upgrading my One Happy Island to One SEXUAL Island!


I am a firm believer that relaxation and sex goes hand in hand. I have been practicing meditation for more than 20 years and it has been essential to healing my body and soul. It is my personal experience that these two combined have magnificent bliss as an end result.

Sex should never be boring; change something, mix it up, try something new, be naughty and assure you enjoy it all.

That is my wish for you.


About me

I am Dina, a Sacred Sexual Awareness Coach (SSA Coach) and an independent Sexinista with Entice Me. Together we create a community through Soirees and workshops to help improve confidence and sensuality both in and out of the bedroom. Women who attend our Luxury Soirees have fun, feel more confident, experience lower stress, have better relationships and learn things about their bodies they never knew before.

Oh and more fun in the bedroom equals less wrinkles and cellulite!

Contact me today and let’s make it a sexier world!

What People Are Saying


Dina’s positive energy and calm subliminal ways, helped me figure out my next move in life. Dina is great at motivating her people to take a chance, grow evolve and innovate. absolutely fantastic!


Dina is an authentic leader and shares from the heart. I received many insights during the training which I could share with my friends. Dina supported us by answering the many questions we had. Thank you, Dina!❣️



I want to say thank you for showing me the way to change my mindset and realize the value in me. Your patience and the ability to listen and analyze my situation and turn it to a different pattern. Most of the time we do not realize the potential we have to be a better person mentally and spiritually. Every next level of your life will demand a new you. And sometimes it takes being broken... in order to become a new version of yourself. I am very grateful. I am a new Me.


Having a busy life as entrepeneur and mother, being there for clients and my kids, I also need people around to support me in my personal and professional growth. I found that for the first time in Dina. Not knowing what to expect as this is the first time I have reached out for support and this is the perfect match for me. Dina guides me to my equilibrium and that helps me with important decision making moments. The positive energy, listening skills and unique approach she brings every time we meet is everlasting. For me, our passion for compliance is the cherry on the pie. The tools I receive weekly are important for my day to day full schedule and how to stay balanced. I am happy with the continuous guidance in the current process of my life.


Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.

Chat with me

I am a firm believer that ones in a while you need hire someone to help you reach your goals! I have done it and it changed my life.